Inspiration (Breathe In)

Setting the stage for a Healing Sound Journey last week at the Yoga Center of Newburyport
To all my beautiful sound loving and healing friends- I am sorry my posts have been sparse lately. Fortunately, the reason is because I have been really busy doing lots of healing work!

I have spent the last 6 hours sending out information and making calls to people who are interested in hosting either sound journeys or workshops. I am about to call it quits for the night but I wanted to at least do a short blog post.
Today I ran across two wonderfully inspiring videos- one by my friend, the beautiful troubadour JP Jones, and the other by a sound healer who I have been hearing a great deal about over the last couple of years- Alexandre Tannous. It is a video of a really good TEDTalk he gave on Sound Meditation. Some of it gets into stuff that is a bit difficult to follow (at least for me!) but he is so pleasant to listen to and it suddenly becomes quite mind-blowing at about the 15-minute mark, so stay with it! It is well worth it.