Music, Tears and Gratitude

Mostly I am “okay”. Home and putting things away that Henry had saved for me. A three-week road trip which in many ways felt like an inner pilgrimage. Even though I was on the road I couldn’t really just leave everything indefinitely so instead I just tried to hold an open space for myself on the inside.

And like I said, mostly I am “okay.” And then there are those moments, which come further and further apart but still arrive… when I hear a piece of music like this and I am hit with a tidal wave of sadness and gut-wrenching tears. I am grateful that I can allow myself to feel and cry when I need to.

Grateful for the power music has to pick us up, carry us on a river of emotions and drop us on the other shore!

On the Nature of Daylight...

It’s late- “past my bedtime”. As usual. But I have to post this video with a short explanation. I watched the movie Arrival tonight. I wanted to see it so badly when it first came out but for some reason couldn’t make it happen. How I wish I had seen it on the big screen! So beautiful… And the soundtrack knocked me out. It should, right? It’s all about communication. It worked. It was brilliant. And when it got to the credits the music was so incredibly beautiful I had to watch them a second time through. The piece is by the late Johann Johannsson and it is haunting and lovely. But there is also a track by Max Richter- “On the Nature of Daylight”. I had to look him up on Youtube and when I did I came across this amazing video, as exquisitely beautifully as the music they are playing.