Arguing the Case for Sound (A Sound Argument!)

Thinking about all the ways that sound plays into our experience... 

These pictures are from the app "Frequency", one of my favorites. I use it to measure the tones of Himalayan singing bowls. What I love, of course, is that it shows the sound waves.

I love all the different ways we can think about sound- the word, the meaning, the experience. Ideas and people resonate with us- or not! A word, a phrase, a title, an image, rings a bell. I especially like the idea of sound as an adjective that implies stability and strength- such as a sound building... or a sound argument.

Stop, hey, what's that sound?

I don't know. I didn't hear it. I was sound asleep!

"Sound" can be used as a noun, a verb or an adjective. The following is from

sound 1

a. Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing.
b. Transmitted vibrations of any frequency.
c. The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.
d. Such sensations considered as a group.
2. A distinctive noise: a hollow sound.
3. The distance over which something can be heard: within sound of my voice.
4. Linguistics
a. An articulation made by the vocal apparatus: a vowel sound.
b. The distinctive character of such an articulation: The words bear and bare have the same sound.
5. A mental impression; an implication: didn't like the sound of the invitation.
6. Auditory material that is recorded, as for a movie.
7. Meaningless noise.
8. Music A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or singer.
9. Archaic Rumor; report.
v. sound·ed, sound·ing, sounds
a. To make or give forth a sound: The siren sounded.
b. To be given forth as a sound: The fanfare sounded.
2. To present a particular impression: That argument sounds reasonable.
1. To cause to give forth or produce a sound: sounded the gong.
2. To summon, announce, or signal by a sound: sound a warning.
3. Linguistics To articulate; pronounce: sound a vowel.
4. To make known; celebrate: "Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound" (Alexander Pope).
5. To examine (a body organ or part) by causing to emit sound; auscultate.
Phrasal Verb:
sound off
1. To express one's views vigorously: was always sounding off about higher taxes.
2. To count cadence when marching in military formation.

[Middle English soun, from Old French son, from Latin sonus; see swen- in Indo-European roots.]

sound 2

adj. sound·er, sound·est
1. Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition: Is the bridge sound?
2. Free from disease or injury. See Synonyms at healthy.
a. Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment; levelheaded: a sound approach to the problem.
b. Based on valid reasoning; having no logical flaws: a sound conclusion; sound reasoning. See Synonyms at valid.
c. Logic Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises.
a. Secure or stable: a partnership that started on a sound footing.
b. Financially secure or safe: a sound economy.
5. Thorough; complete: gave their rivals a sound thrashing.
6. Deep and unbroken; undisturbed: a sound sleep.
7. Compatible with an accepted point of view; orthodox: sound doctrine.
Thoroughly; deeply: sound asleep.

[Middle English, from Old English gesund.]

sound′ly adv.
sound′ness n.

sound 3

1. Abbr. Sd.
a. A long, relatively wide body of water, larger than a strait or a channel, connecting larger bodies of water.
b. A long, wide ocean inlet.
2. Archaic The swim bladder of a fish.

[Middle English, from Old English sund, swimming, sea.]

sound 4

v. sound·ed, sound·ing, sounds
1. To measure the depth of (water), especially by means of a weighted line; fathom.
2. To try to learn the attitudes or opinions of: sounded out her feelings.
3. To probe (a body cavity) with a sound.
1. To measure depth.
2. To dive swiftly downward. Used of a marine mammal or a fish.
3. To look into a possibility; investigate.
An instrument used to examine or explore body cavities, as for foreign bodies or other abnormalities, or to dilate strictures in them.

[Middle English sounden, from Old French sonder, from sonde, sounding line, probably of Germanic origin.]

The Vibration of Wholeness

This afternoon I went for a walk at Sachuest Wildlife Preserve in Middletown, RI- one of my favorite places to walk. At a certain point I stopped and made a conscious effort to feel the vibratory frequencies of all the different elements around me- the dirt and gravel path on which I was walking, the air, the blue sky, the clouds, the different varieties of plants, trees and shrubs, the pounding surf, the birds, the rustling of unseen animals in the bushes near the path. I stopped, breathed, tuned in all of my senses, and took it all in- and in that moment realized that the synergistic effect of all these frequencies was
                               feeling HAPPY
                                              wholistic resonance

Touched by the Warmth

Update: Leading a chanting group in Newport, RI early tomorrow morning.

It is an interesting challenge to try to recreate the feeling in my home that I had at my sound healing center; such a very different venue in all ways except the intention, which was and is to create a warm and welcoming space for all lovers of sound and music to experience and explore the healing power of music, sound and frequency. I guess I am succeeding. This is the very sweet message that was sent out by Carol Dutton, the organizer and host at Emmanuel Church, as a reminder about tomorrow's group. I was really touched by her warmth and sincerity.

Dear Friends
I am happy to say Rosie Warburton will be leading our chanting session tomorrow in the All Saints Chapel, Emmanuel Church from 9 am to 10:30 am.  I met with Rosie last week at her beautiful log cabin  in the woods in Tiverton.  When I walked in her door I felt at peace as I looked around her living room which was filled with singing bowls and musical instruments.  Rosie has a separate room for her sound healing sessions.  I felt so very fortunate to be in her presence, chanting with her.  I am truly blessed to have her in my life as I learn and experience healing through the power of sound.  I hope you can join us for a very special chanting session.  May today and every day bring you peace, joy and happiness.  Namaste, Carol

Putting Out Fires With Sound- Literally!

Today's short share. This is seriously cool. Or should I say, cooling?

This does make one think... an external fire? It makes even more sense then, that sound can extinguish the internal flames of worry, fear, anger, doubt and all manner of physical, mental and emotional pain. Why not? Everything is frequency and responds to other frequencies. It's just a matter of observing how we respond to different types of sound, music and frequency and listening to what works.

1.15.11 Dream Frequencies

Last week I had a most amazing dream. I was at a hot springs- there were actually two springs side by side that each had man-made rectangular entrances that made them look like small pools- about 3' by 8'. But in fact, when you went into the water it opened up underneath into larger underwater pools, big enough that you couldn't see how far they extended. The water was very clear and light blue and ten to twelve feet deep. I was in the water briefly- underwater, looking around- but then realized there were some sea creatures in there that made me nervous so I decided to get out. There were squid, small, about a foot long but they would try to attach themselves to people or suck on them and even though they were actually friendly it creeped me out. Also the people I was with were a little too "new agey" for me so I was being pretty introverted and keeping to myself.

Each "pool" had a cover that could be pulled over the entrance when everyone left for the day and it was getting close to that time. I was sitting on steps going into the pool to the left and I began toning. It was almost like an entrance into an underground chamber only it went into the spring and I was curious how the tones and overtones would resonate into the entrance and in the water. They were getting ready to cover the entrances and in fact they did. I expressed my disappointment and someone remarked "Oh now that we're getting ready to go you're suddenly interested." I said yes, that I was curious how the overtones would sound in the chamber so they opened it back up and let me tone into it. I wondered what it would be like toning into the water and how the resonance in the entrance chamber would affect the surroundings and the sea creatures.

I begin toning again. To the left of me on the bank it is fairly muddy. I am toning and creating strong overtones and as I look around me I see that there is movement in the mud bank that is clearly caused by the overtones. As I continue toning and watching this area a small girl's face begins to emerge from the mud. I go over to her, continuing to tone. She is dead. She looks like she is about 4 years old, a very beautiful face, still covered with mud but her features are visible and her body emerges from the mud revealing the rest of her as I tone. She hasn't been dead for very long. Her body has not begun to decompose. I take her in my arms and as I continue toning I see two men in suits standing a ways off to the right, 12-15 feet away. Clearly they are "bad guys", the men who have killed her, and they move closer, smirking, as the girl begins to come back to life with the sound. They are silently telling me that I cannot beat them at their game. They are each holding an oblong object in one hand- a frequency generator. Nothing but a dark oval shaped object with one red button that fits comfortably in one hand.

I am not afraid of them. I am holding her in my arms and they are now standing over us, still smirking. They each push a button on their frequency generator and it emits a single frequency which I know is intended to kill the little girl once again. She is so beautiful. I am bent over her, holding her close to me, trying to protect her with my body as well as my voice from their sound, overtoning loudly, modulating the pitch trying to find the exact tone that will negate the frequency they are generating. But it doesn't work. She is dead, again, but this time with a beautiful broad smile on her face, a look of total happiness and peace. And I know that they did not win.