Kirtan Camp, Here I Come! 6.21.11

It has been my heart's desire to go to Jai Uttal's Summer Kirtan Camp in San Rafael,CA for the last however many years- ever since I first heard about it, whenever that was. I keep in touch with him and Nubia and every year threaten that I am coming but have never been able to get the dough together. This year is the last year he is offering it for a while and when I heard that my mind was made up. There was no way i could afford not to go. Bought my plane ticket to California today! Don't have the money yet for the camp but I am committed and it will come. Living life out on a limb! What else is new?

This is one of my very most favorite Jai Uttal videos, hanging out singing to Ganga Ma in Rishikesh. So beautiful, simple, heartfelt... I posted it on my blog a while back but I didn't write so I guess nobody really saw it. It should not be missed- such a sweet 48 seconds of bhakti bliss. Oooh! That sounds like a poem...

48 seconds of bhakti bliss
Something my heart wants not to miss
A song of love, the soul's sweet kiss
48 seconds of bhakti bliss...