Getting in Tune

Thinking about the tuning fork workshop I took last weekend which led me to this great old song by The  Who...

We come into the world in tune- at least for a little while- then it seems like we spend our lives trying to get back in tune. So interesting... I feel like I am more in tune with myself now than I have been in many many years- really trying to listen and follow the guidance I get- which comes mostly as feeling and impulses from within. Is this situation comfortable? Is that where I want to be? On so many levels from eating the right food to being with the right people to how I choose to move through my day. And refining the levels of discernment- which voice am I listening to? Is it a real gut feeling that is assisting me in making a particular choice or is it my ego looking for a little comfort or instant gratification?

Getting in tune.  I have been away from my home for 17 years.  Florida was never my home. It was just where I lived. I have had shoes that felt more like home to me than Florida ever did!