Starting Off On The Right Note

When I had my sound healing center in St. Pete, FL I led a healing sound meditation every Monday evening so people could start their week off "on the right note". Having been in major transition for the last two years and finally settled in to my oh-so-very-cool log house where I can rev up my practice again it feels just right that this challenge begins on a Monday. Challenge, yes...Thank you Seth Godin and Winnie Kao, too for the challenge to blog for 7 days in a row! Just the kick in the pants that I needed.

Getting started has been the biggest challenge lately. Seems like transitions could just go on endlessly... Moved in October, including getting all my stuff (sound healing equipment, sound tables, instruments) out of storage where it had been for several years- so about 6 weeks of the initial house set-up, then November- kids visiting from MN for birthdays, the crazy holiday stretch where I was still finding beds, kitchen table, stuff that you are supposed to have in your house if you ever want other people to be able to be there (and since I am going to be hosting individual sound healing retreats that is pretty important stuff!), then the Christmas craziness where life gets put on hold again (okay, really? That's crazy! The best of life is those holiday times when everything ELSE gets put on hold and we get to hang out, celebrate, eat with our families, kids, friends) and finally my 60th birthday last week which I celebrated with my two sisters in Arizona and will probably continue to celebrate all year. Then of course I got sick- so here I am typing with a plugged up ear which is driving me slightly insane! So... were I not given this challenge I could have easily put off "getting started" with my new ideas, visions, and the practicality of sitting, writing, sharing, for at least another week!

In this moment I am thinking that the real challenge for me is starting this next phase of my life off "on the right note". Blogging consistently for seven days feels like a nice way of breaking down that challenge, that invitation. Just do it.